Tuesday 3 December 2013

Classic Moped Spares stocks up in France and Europe!

Classic Moped Spares trip across the Channel Poole to Cherbourg

A successful trip was had at the beginning of December 2013, by a quick hop across the channel from Poole to Cherbourg, France and Europe. I was a bit late arriving back on the 3rd December due to a long chat with customs regarding the goodies being brought back into England. Perhaps they are also moped fans? A most successful and enjoyable journey was had by all, however I was a bit tired after the many hours of driving. 

The Ferry gave me time to recharge my batteries and reflect on how much fantastic hospitality I received from the French people that I met. Fantastique Voyage!

The vehicle was close to being full and some who know me would say probably with a large collection of complete bikes and parts probably, mobylette mopeds; there was however a distinctive aroma of cheese and wine oozing from the windows!

Apologies for my photography, I should have got more pictures of the scenery but then time was of the essence!

Merci pour la lecture!

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